Breast Augmentation

Augmentation mammoplasty is the medical term for breast augmentation. Also referred to as breast enhancement or breast enlargement, this type of plastic surgery involves placing silicone or saline breast implants either behind the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle to add size, shape, and fullness to the breast. Breast augmentation can be performed to make smaller breasts appear larger, balance breasts that are asymmetrical, or restore fullness that has diminished with age or as a result of pregnancy.
Breast Augmentation Surgery
The breast enhancement process can take several weeks from the initial consultation through post-surgical recovery, and involves close communication and cooperation between patient and surgeon. Before breast implants are placed, many decisions must be made, including the type and size of the breast implant, where it will be placed, and the location of the incision. The patient will also be asked to follow some specific instructions from the doctor during the weeks preceding the operation. During breast enlargement surgery, the surgeon will place the breast implants according to the decisions made during the planning stages. This process usually takes between one and two hours. After breast augmentation surgery, the patient will most likely be drowsy and sore for a day or two. Although the patient should be able to get up and move around after about 48 hours, there may be some lingering side effects for a couple weeks to a month. The patient should follow the surgeon’s instructions closely during this healing period and have a friend or relative agree to drive them home and provide assistance for a couple of days.
Fat Transfer for Breast Augmentation
Fat transfer for breast augmentation uses liposuction to take fat from other parts of the body and inject it to enhance your breast size and shape.
Breast Augmentation Recovery and Results
The length of the breast augmentation recovery process depends heavily upon the patient’s condition, the degree of enlargement, and several other factors, but usually lasts between a few weeks and a couple of months. Breast implant results will also vary from person to person and are most satisfactory in patients who have reasonable expectations.
Breast Augmentation Risks, Complications, and Benefits
Although there are many benefits that result from breast augmentation surgery, including improved self esteem, a more balanced figure, and more choices in clothing, there are also a number of risks involved with breast enhancement that should be carefully considered before choosing to undergo surgery. Capsular contracture, ruptured breast implants, and other complications can interfere with the appearance of results and may require additional surgery to repair damage or remove the implants.
Am I a Candidate?
Only a qualified cosmetic surgeon can determine whether breast enlargement is right for any one individual, but there are some groups for whom it is generally considered unadvisable and others for whom careful consideration is recommended, such as teenagers. Young women under the age of 18 are generally considered not to be good candidates for breast implants because the breasts continue to develop on into the early twenties. To find out if you are a candidate for breast augmentation, schedule a consultation with Dr. Rhoad.
Breast Augmentation Cost and Financing
Augmentation mammoplasty is an elective cosmetic surgery and as such, these procedures are not covered by insurance plans. For most, the cost of breast enhancement surgery is an important consideration. Since breast implant prices and surgeons’ fees alone are expensive and do not make up the entirety of the cost, some may be tempted to go to a surgeon who offers discounts or low prices. This is usually a mistake. A surgeon who offers discounts is usually one who either lacks experience or has a less than satisfactory record of results. Breast augmentation financing is available to help women pay for the cost of surgery so they don’t have to settle for an inexperienced surgeon and risk their health or the quality of their results.